
שיווק מוצרי פלסטיק ברמלה


Tzinorot (METCO untill 2009, or - Middle East Tube Co. Ltd.), Israel’s largest manufacturer of steel
Tzinorot, part of the Gaon Group, manufactures and markets pipes for transporting water, sewage,
fuel and gas at its main manufacturing plant in Tzrifin and at its galvanization plant in Acre. In effect,
Israel’s lifelines have been entrusted to Tzinorot, as the country’s largest engineering firms and
major infrastructure companies are among its customers. Tzinorot is the oldest pipe manufacturer
in Israel and the first to be awarded the Standards Mark of the Israel Standards Institute for most
of its products. Tzinorot was allso certified for international manufacturing standards such as the
American Petroleum Institute (API) certification.

שם איש קשר:
